Those paltry few pieces of wreckage with American Airlines paint were easily planted. Some say the cruise missile was painted in AA paint also. No engines… no landing gear, were found.
The hole was the most obvious giveaway. Also look at the adjacent lawn… there is a white strip of lime in a straight line leading right to the hole. Someone with a lime spreader put that on the lawn within a day of the attack… obviously to provide optical guidance to the point of impact. Remember… they wanted to take out the accounting offices to cover up other losses.
The pilot of that plane was a recently ‘retired’ military pilot. He likely had ties to the deep state yet. I read one story that the AA plane with passengers was landed at a military base nearby and the passengers were ‘disappeared’. Some time later, a ‘refurbished’ 757 airliner was registered with a new aircraft N-number. This ‘refurbished’ airliner had the same fuselage serial number as the one that allegedly hit the pentagon. Somebody doing a lot of research on the aircraft registry lists found that nugget.
And EVERY piece of surveillance video of the area was confiscated and classified, never to be seen again.
Yup, it wasn’t a plane that hit.