I’ve read everything you’ve posted and have been a solid backer of yours. I have no idea what article or post your are referring too right now.
The bottom line for now is that we’ve interfered in Syria’s civil war, something that Trump said he didn’t want to do, something that he warned Obama NOT TO DO. America first, remember???
I hope this is some grand plan from Trump and his people to dupe the media and the Neocon warmongers in conjunction with Putin, but I don’t know. What Tillerson said today was a bit confusing, considering what Haley said at the U.N.
I voted and contributed money to Trump. No bigger supporter than me.
Let’s see what happen,s but I want someone who does what he says, and not being a warmonger, draining the Neocon swamp, and America first is what I signed up for.
Lighten up.