Erratic and unstable currency values, leading to unstable and irrational commodity prices. Businesses and investors are trying to conduct business out here, and its not possible to make proper decisions, so the whole mess is net bad for business.
The “managers” have been making manual adjustments willy nilly when the system should be on cruise control. Remember the plane crash back in 2001 south of JFK? The plane hit some air turbulence.
The pilot kept hitting the rudder willy nilly, hard left and right, until the rudder broke off. Mistake? He did not wait long enough after each “adjustment” to see if it was enough. He was day trading the rudder, they same way these Mr Knowitall economists have been day trading the economy.
Chart, ridiculous unstable energy prices:
Chart, ridiculous unstable currency values:
ANOTHER major problem? The value of taxpayer wages are to low to support gov’t functions, note $20 trillion debt.
ONE TRILLION: You could spend $1 million each day since Julius Caesar, 100 BC, and still not spend it all by today.