That video is clear iron clad evidence of reversal.
Like I keep saying….Everything is in reverse. The entire US gov’t taxpayer supported medical industry is in the exact same position Detroit car building was in 1975. Topping out after 30 great years ’45-75, PEAKING OUT and going into a slow stealth decline.
MARK MY WORDS. Unless of course a sudden burst of higher wages and prosperity for tax PAYERS. (tax absorbers are on the hot seat) Not likely. Transition mode. New future.
A family member has had an medical situation, and in all the diagnosis and hospital facilities I’ve been going to the past 5-6 months, I look around, get suspicious, and I ask questions to the nurses receptionists employees etc.
I start by asking…So how is it since Obama care? Are you getting a lot more work? (meanwhile I see the place is like ghost town) One lady said…..
“Oh my god, I’m doing this 30 years and I’ve never seen anything like this. So slow. People are not coming in anymore.” “The co-pays and deductibles are too high.”
Bottom line. The summer ’08 meltdown was a message. The tax PAYERS and gov’t borrowing, can no longer be used to artificially support the economy.
Basically, back in the day, when they started Medicare Medicaid etc, in REALITY it was another JOBS creation bill, like prior defense spending. When nobody had medical insurance, health care was cheap.
The deal was between YOU and the DOCTOR. Now like the video suggested, there is a big fat bloated insurance industry (like GM) as a middle man. m/c