Somehow I missed your response until just now. You always make sense. Thanks for the comeback. Another thought I had today re the Middle East. The place is way behind the times. Its like 2,000 years ago over there. Only partly civilized.
It looks to me like the global western powers made an objective to colonize and modernize the place, and its got bad long term adjusting pains. Its going to take another hundred years to European that place.
Around here they have this tiny Piping Plover they are trying to avoid its extinction. The wales too, save the wales, and so many other old things they strive to preserve. Not the American Indians though. And not the backward natives in the M/E.
Why don’t they strive to preserve a 2000 year old civilization? They should have left Sadam Hussein in power. He had all those crazy backward people behaving properly. And look at the USA. It was originally a very unique impressive country. Why not have the objective to PRESERVE the USA in its original form??
The pea brains merged us with the rest of the world. Like mixing two colors to get a third color. Like Trump said, no border means no country. And regarding the attacks? They used to be only in Israel. Now we have little bits of Israel spreading all over Europe and the USA. Why no attacks in Mexico Canada or Switzerland? And many other places.