Greed and selfishness and mismanagement and affirmative action are never satisfied. If they get kickbacks or cheaper wages follow the money. In effect it’s a sort of colonization. Placed in a position instead of working for it. They were doing it in schools to where white kids were working hard not getting the same fun experiences others their age were getting to work on college then affirmative action would hand it to a minority with a C average. I remember those days myself where my friends were going to places like parties, camping Hawaii and I couldn’t go because I had school.Little did I know nursing would put me in that same position. A lot of minority’s got in too who shouldn’t have and not because they were minorities but because they could barely pass the test but let them in and they wound up dropping out because they didn’t have the conviction or some the IQ. IQ matters and why not everyone can be a rocket scientist. IQ has to suit the job. It doesn’t matter what you don’t know but your potential to learn.
We were chosen out of hundreds only 20 of us and only about 12 because affirmative action only goes so far. It’s the wrong way to go about it. So what do they do now? Lower the standards. Instead of giving them a proper education including white kids now their slipping through the cracks even if they have the potential no matter the color their not getting the edication.
These people are Hippocrates too. What they do in raise the prices of certain areas that even middle class have trouble dealing with. In short it’s promoting segregation not helping it. Worse theirs about 6 billion poor wanting more money. Are we suppose to give it away without considering the cost to our own family’s. Their going about it the wrong way. That’s not saying theirs discrimination. but their feeding into it with lowering standards because it’s telling you they can’t cut it so they must not be very bright or lazy. It’s also saying we have to be responsible for them. Communism.
I knew a Filipino nurse who told me she got sued for that once. She had a home for elderly and she had s problem with blacks not doing their work or being abusive. She said their lazy so wouldn’t hire them, she would only hire whites and Filipinos. She told the Court that. I don’t know the accuracy of what she said or what experiences she had but I seen how she talked to them at work and literally had to keep her from getting her ask kicked by blacks. I saw she was picking on good nurses aids who were black and they came to me to talk to her or they were gonna do something. That’s when she told me and probably why she hated them because she shut down their home rather than have to hire people she didn’t trust. I told her these nurses aren’t the same as she met.Cant blame a whole race for a few, That when on for awhile and she retired. In short it’s complicated.
Mr Copper
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