The situation, the way I see it, (if you are interested) #2 (FlyFish)
(Larry510) Jul 26, 18:08
On the northeast coast of the U.S. on occasion, we hear of a large storm, or hurricane, coming up from the tropics. It’s a slow moving storm, it’s a thousand miles away, the tides, wind and surf are already above normal, and it won’t be here for another week.
Naturally, when it gets here, (the calamity) it’s going to get a lot worse and hang around longer than normal. (FlyFish) It would not hurt to be liquid and mobile. In New York City there is the HSBC bank, they sell gold bullion, all you want, various forms.
You can open a money market account, and if the stuff starts hitting the fan, you can run down there as early as possible and withdraw gold, no waiting for a check to clear, and you won’t get better prices. If want to buy with cash, they say $2,500 per day max, but you can probably get around that.
Globalization Impact
(coffconn) Jul 26, 18:27
Larry510 I like the way you see it and agree. Anyone who has studied systems theory. ie theory of open and closed systems would find the whole current scenario wholly predictable and unfortunately leading eventually to entropy as at the end of the day our earth is a closed system apart from energy input from our sun.
The key (cause) to all this is communications originally roads and boats that allowed trade, specialization in production and then mutual dependence as opposed to independence. We now have mutual interdependence and lack of independence on a global scale and worsening every year!!!!
If interested in looking at systems theory check out Open Systems by biologist von Bertalanffy or management texts of 25 years ago by Kast & Rosenzweig. Management- A systems approach which I used with students in those days and forecast what we now see around us!!!