Made two trades yesterday that show some potential. Bought 400 DRIP, 3x bear on oil. Thinking oil may pull back a little this week. And eased into 200 of the SLV Jan 18, 16 strike at .53. Lets see if both can ring the cash register today.
GSV was amazing yesterday. Up 16% on nearly triple the volume. Only news I could find was a story related to some good looking drill results. Nice to see one of the PM’s start to show a little excitement, no matter the reason.
Ipso, thanks for posting that article about the Saudi Coup. Had dinner last night with a friend that spent many years living and working in Saudi as a defense contractor engineer. He was pretty much in agreement with that article and says recent events have a good possibility of ‘getting out of hand’. He also stated that the Saudi’s control much of the media and it will be hard to know what is really going on there. Hopefully some insiders living there can leak some ‘boots on the ground’ type of news. Bears watching, closely.
OK, lets see what the day has in store for the Goldbugs. Best to all, Farmboy