Taxes would come anyways especially in Democrat elected states. Time for these voters to elect people who will bring down property taxes or expect a boom in those lower tax states as people walk away from these high tax parasites to pay for their sanctuary states. As they go them they move to the next. Average salary workers cant suddenly raise revenue either not to mention retirees on fixed income. Most retired were doers that affected their health or body they don’t have a cushy politician job they can stay in for 50 years even if they turn scenile while getting premium insurance.
Meanwhile politicians going after Medicare Medicaid and Social Security next.
How much money have the stole they claimed borrowed and never paid back from SS through the decades. Like their personal slush fund? And where did all that money go? Did the millions for their sexual harassment payoffs come from our SS money too?
Did they ever pay it back, no. They need to pay back all slush fund money. They are using our SS payments like a Ponzie scheme. They want to cut funds do it in a responsible manner can shrink tax dependent Gov. and overspending. Decrease non citizens getting welfare.
There’s much they can do but have the mentality of a cab driver no puns to cab drivers instead of a economist. It’s all about them and the rest of us can eat cake. Parasites that they will never blame themselves for their mismanagement of our money they will blame us.
This is a bipartisan problem. Obama took billions from SS and has been going on for decades. Then they have the audacity to say it’s going broke. No different than someone managing your savings account stealing from it then saying your balance is negative please give us more money. Why has NO president said SS if off limits and invested it properly. Now we need to demand they keep it off limits manage it better as well as demand them to pay back to what was stolen with interest. If we still had those dollars it wouldn’t be going broke.
Mr Copper
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