The economy is like our body it needs to stay in a certain range be temperature of acid base balance to survive. You go too much to left or right you got a problem. Same with parasites they’ll make you sick or use your body as a host. Some may make you a bit sick but not kill you while others will kill you and then move on to the next host. Neither inflation nor deflation is good. You’ll starve with either. We need to demand better money management and laws that even politicians can’t break when spending our money, allowing money to go to illegals in sanctuary states including using our taxes to pay for legal services over being deported, or taking bribes over what bills they pass. There should be no money passed to any law maker passing bills. It won’t stop the campaign donation scam but help. They won’t stop till they’re stopped or have to suffer the same tax problems as everyone else because they can only live on their salary not bribes.
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