Re:They may be dealing with a too little too late start last year. If so, and our economy SLOWS down instead of climbing, with increased spending and higher national debt? It may get out of hand. The lower dollar. And higher gold.
Yep and the Fed may be fighting to prop the dollar here and there but lower dollar good for businesses. New though processes coming out. China running scared of Trumps lower corp taxes offering foreign businesses tax free insentives so those just looking at currency issues should look at factors that influenced outsourcing.
So we even have financial Wall Street politics going on too. Saying things like lowering corp taxes which is already bolstering the economy is going to cause a larger deficit. Smaller deficits apparently aren’t the greatest for our economy either because with lowering the deficit like pre 2000 came outsourcing and a bubble then outsourcing on steroids. We probably all do but I did remember when having tech problems finding myself talking to someone from another country who was totally useless. Lou Dobbs put out a book Outsourcing America. He also pointed out how free trade wasn’t free for us and how other countries were making out paying much less and some like China even sneaking products in saying they were just filling up on gas while things were walking off the ships and how it hurt pricing and competition.
We have people still politically bias pretending to care about the poor while making them poor. The same people borrowing for SS. That’s they’re excuse for keeping up the smoke and mirrors what worked for them while making us poorer and propping up emerging markets. It was just getting worse and worse. Nagar Tpp Paris global warming racket, tax payers money going out the window while giving all this money while they were at it.
Trump isn’t having it.