That’s another thing. Illegals were okay with shutting down our government leaving American family’s without their pay check to force their will on our people. Imagine how bad they get if they could get away with it. Someone brought up to the former President of Mexico the hundreds of thousands they have deported from their country and they have a wall on their southern border but to him that’s another matter. He’s trying to say we don’t need a wall while in the same breath talking about the millions of them already here making it like their all honest citizens. How did they get here? Like the ones in Fresno attacking Trump supporters at a rally while their La Raza supporters in law who told the police to stand down so their people could attack ours? They’re full of it.
Now they want to help them to register to vote because they let them get drivers license will be registered to vote. Can you get a drivers license in Mexico as a non citizen? Nope
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