Jan 24, 2018 6:28 PM Permalink
Just do it already. Its taken a lot of stupid or stubborn to stay short for the past year and a half, but Im doing it. Continuing to roll over deep out of money s&p puts every qtr is getting tiring, but im no quitter. Im down about 15% of my earn over that time in the position, but i refuse to be flat or long. Ive gone through so many levels of denial and misery that I am to the point that it doesnt even bother me any more. Its like a tax now that I just expect to pay to stay short.
I now consider it a test of my resolve and character. It takes a particular strength, to stay short, while being brutalized daily as we continue making new highs day after day for months straight and keep a smile on your face and a spring in your step. A weaker man might succumb to the misery or kill the pain with a click, but not I.
I aspire to the ice in the veins zen mind of one trader I met many years ago. He could be making or losing millions of his own capital, over half of his worth in a day and one could not tell by his demeanor whether he was up or down that day. The Ice man.