Crime prevention, like securing the border? Their agendas handed to them are more important than what’s best for the citizens.
If they can’t get us to CONFORM to giving up our 2 nd Amendment they will simply keep law abiding citizens in Schools, Malls, Movie Theaters, Churches, unarmed sitting ducks who people will then ask for gun control because they gave up on their own rights to push for them or better armed security so it’s only fair the criminals hand over theirs too. Falls right onto their hands. Like that will happen. The latest was looking into making a bomb.
I think this kid may have been bullied. Every kid who talked about him said in effect he was weird or a outcast. Whether they went as far as bulling him they never seem to do anything about them.
Never once have I heard about better security.
Ororeef Shootings with zero improvement in security they expect people to fall right into their hands with talking their guns. Just make the sheep want to.
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