A new Genius will emerge that sees the problem and simplifies it.They are TOO F__king expensive.
Get rid of all the electronic gadgets ,the music,the computer managed fuel manager,the USB ports the auto matic transmission ,the air conditioner and build it without union labor by those that need simple transportation by those that will buy them .and get Gubberment out of the equation and the car will cost 7-8 thousand ….Thats how Henry Ford got started and so did VoLKSWAGON ….Tesla is a joke unless he can build it for $8000 without subsidies.The only reason we dont have a cheap electric car is bribery by the “establishment”.Theres no reason we shouldent have it with cheap Chinese labor except for bribery by “established”auto makers and corrupt government.Take away the free food and rent subsidies min wage and everything is possible…..! If the market gets free ,let the people have a choice ! Freedom to choose ! What a concept !