Hey Maddog – I think draining the swamp and continuing the policies of the swamp may be two separate issues. I would agree that time is on his side with Russiagate and that certain aspects of the swamp are panicking, but most of them are just Dems caught doing what Dems do – being corrupt. The policies of the swamp seem to be continuing at least in the Middle East, I am encouraged by talks with North Korea but we’ll see what happens.
Mr. Copper – I know I’ll get some grief from Ipso but I’ve thought the same thing about nukes. If everybody had em’ maybe everybody would be more polite. The idea that one country or one people is more likely to use them seems a little arrogant to me, especially when we here in the US are the only ones that have ever used them. You’re right, de-fanging Iran or NoKo doesn’t make us any money and I’m not sure how we’ve become the world’s policemen.