This is really amusing to me, because when they started sharing or contributing our jobs after 1970, even before, I think it started gradually in 1962 actually. There was no news on it. No announcements about tariffs on our exports, nothing about raising our corporate taxes to 35% to encourage moving off shore, nothing. News black out.
Behind the scenes they decided which Americans jobs or industries were going to be “donated”. They never gave us any info to prevent us from complaining and resisting. Now that they are starting to slightly reverse the giveaway, they are announcing it to the world and they are all complaining and making threats. Ingrates.
I wonder if we will ever make our own TV sets and cars again.
P.S. What they did to the USA was worse that 100,000 Obama cares’. And nobody complained. In fact what they did to us CAUSED the need for Obama care. Small businesses didn’t have enough profits to provide healthcare insurance and dropped it. That’s why there was so many uninsured.