by Greg Hunter . Kirby who finds gold by the ton for his clients : “The demand for gold is insatiable , and those who want it can’t get enough .”
It is moving from West to East . Just look at the graphic we see here from time to time ‘Has the System Collapsed Yet ?’. Our day is coming , and every day brings it closer .
Kirby admits he thought the end game was upon us three years ago and still thinks so , but says the [enemy] just keeps doubling down , so to speak . They do not flinch . No sign of weakness from them .
So how long can it continue ? I thought it was over in 2008 , and bet the farm on it , but it didn’t happen . Well , gold did go parabolic for the next three years , but not the miners , as they had done for me from 2000 to a few years after .