I spent 2-1/2 years in Switzerland and France in my early 20’s after over 4 years of high school French , so I became fluent in the language , but retained a very mild accent . Years later I was hired to work in Belgium for an American company and moved my family there for three years . I put my girls , aged 3 and 5 into the local schools in French . They were very frustrated the first few months , but picked up the language quickly . Meanwhile at work I was getting all kinds of accolades by my colleagues for my ‘excellent’ French accent . A year later my eldest daughter was in the first grade and was coming home with Math homework , which she hated to do and would put it off if she could .
I arrived home one evening from work and saw my eldest as I entered , so I said in French ” Come on , let’s do your homework together quickly after I change and before dinner , so you have the rest of the evening to play with your sister and little brother .” As I was changing out of my business suit , my daughters were in the next room … a four year old , and a six year old , MIMICKING my ‘excellent’ French accent . The feedback at work was pure BS ! ‘Excellent’ French accent my *ss !
Goldie – If you learn a language early enough , you will have no accent .
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