A bit exaggerated but Trump has a good head on his shoulders not gonna be manipulated. As far as court issues I don’t know anything about those claims to comment.
These IMO low life power hungry criminal politicians particularly Demos although some repubs in there too are a threat to everything industries countries built up.
They are using citizens as pawns.
What they are doing is using the loud noise tactic to make people afraid to speak out on freedom and their sovereignty. ” To accept being controlled.” Even their country’s flag and Christian or Jewish religion is to fear be put aside to submit to being controlled for their NWO. NWO of higher taxes higher cost of living increased crime, monopoly s of companies who then raise prices with decreasing competition?
You can see how many or most immigrants or now even some children of immigrants will not side with sovereignty of the country they now live and don’t think they understand the consequences. If they do it will be too late.
Americas was never great they say. Compared to what??? How much was their pay or quality of living where they came to where they are now? It’s just shows they have no respect for that country because they didn’t have to earn being here.
I haven’t heard one person except Trump call them out on it.