The Working Groups no doubt had their gold and silver phaser guns set to stun. On a day like today they definitely have their work cut out. Woeful trade deficits, extreme China agitation, a slumping economy, and a gaggle of other gold-friendly goings-on highlight the news for today. Of course that’s the perfect recipe for a total lockdown, and a gold/silver coma. It’s taken over 150k of gold contracts by 9:45 am just to elevate gold back up over $1240- barely. Silver is getting its usual monkey-hammer job, and is already in its coma for the day.
The OI’s for gold and silver continue to slide down to much lower levels. One has to wonder if it is Deutsche related, or Deutsche counterparty related, or even cartel members seeing the handwriting on the wall. Such sudden exodus from the Crimex is virtually never seen, and portends a shift in crony sentiment. While mass exoduses for the exit usually result in piled up bodies and mayhem I’m still amazed how nearly 160,000 Comex gold shorts escaped so quickly unscathed. Just another “anomaly” no MSM reporter will ever get near.
If gold withstands, or can even rally on tomorrow’s NFP we may be in business. By all accounts it should be one of the more ugly NFP’s of the Trump era. I can attest to the chill in the housing market. Lumber futures crashing 50% in short order is another clue we might not be in Pollyannaville any longer. Next stop: CTRL-P, and QEfinity4.2?
James Mc