Life Extension Foundation has formulated a supplement that purges senescent cells:
In addition, a strawberry flavonoid called ‘Fisetin’ also encourages the apoptosis and purging of senescent cells.
I’ve only been taking the combination for a few weeks, and I have always been health conscious and taking vitamins and supplements for years. It all works. I notice that I am in much better shape than most people my age that I meet. Last week a contractor called to do a last inspection and ‘commission’ of my solar PV power system. He called on short notice, but I was available and had him come over. When he arrived he was grateful that I was available on short notice to fill the hole in his schedule. I told him I was retired and had plenty of time available. He looked me over with slight disdain and said “You don’t look old enough to be retired!” He was surprised to learn I was 66. He looked a lot older than I, and was still working. 🙂
I dunno about living forever, but I certainly hope to maintain the best health possible right up to the inevitable end. Living in an age-deteriorated state is not living, IMO.