Dick and Jane Something to think about. It was based on sight reading, now replaced with phonics and sounding the words out. Now less kids graduating who can’t read very well. So is phonics alone as I think it has some benefit, better or just complicating things and failing the students including comprehension after they do all that work sounding the words out also not even remembering the word after that if they see it again less they see it enough. Repetitive words like them seemed to teach them to recognize words and read faster with less effort and remember what they read. We can still remember verses today from the books then. Not the only thing failing them with their propaganda.
When I was talking to my grandson and we were talking about different words on the news came those so called black Jews thugs harassing those kids. I told him if you ever see that get away from them their bad people. He said his teacher said that’s because they made the black people stand up on the bus. There teaching him that at 6 years old, the time he’d be reading See Spot Run or Dick and Jane.
I told him black people don’t have to stand up that was along time ago. That they have the same rights as everyone else. It’s what you do with those rights that matter. You can use them for good or use them for bad. These people are using them for bad.
Behind closed doors.
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