Dont make too much on the Hugh store of Italian Gold while the debt of Italian Banks is Hugh.Its too simplistic and I would say infantile idiotic view to criticize them for not using it to pay down debt.The Italians know what they are doing ! The Gold supports a major industry in Italy ,they run one of the worlds best jewelry making schools in the world with over 5000 students …Gold is the raw material for their manufacturing process.
Its very smart to HEDGE advance buying of Gold so they can control the cost of a major industry in Italy.
Thier economy is more important than reducing debt ,same in America ….A good economy enables you to pay down debt ,a poor one makes it impossible just as Trump says. Before you criticize them ..maybe they know something you dont know about economics ,such a small country but the FIFTH largest economy …..
They choose to have a future for Italians instead of the Banksters..Hedging Gold has many benefits beside managing debt ,for them it protects thier future economy a double benefit for them..
Try telling the Vatican to sell thier Gold and give the money to the Poor …Its the same problem ,if they did the money would dissappear to the Banksters and then WHO looks after the Poor …the Banks ? Yeah SURE ! thatll be the day ..a really cold day in Hell…