Maine’s Weaponized Draconian LD798 Vaccination Bill – Congress To Vote
These are the rogue domestic terrorists, fresh out of the Orwellian archives and Fascist Nazi chronicles, fact is, some of these political usurpers are the spawn of Operation Paperclip Scientists who have infiltrated our governments offices of every arena, especially the political, military and health and human services.
Can’t you see what’s going on? There’s an all out assault on our children. Our representatives are voting on legalized abortion up until birth, and now, the state of Maine has addressed the LD798 Bill, making mandatory vaccination without any considerations of beliefs, religion, health concerns or other, how is this possible in America?
Americans have been attacked by one legislator after another voting to abort and kill full term babies, this is legalized murder and if that’s not enough, there’s a push to vaccinate expectant mothers and our children against parental rights using the most toxic cocktail combinations known to man, further maiming our children with the risks of Autism and other fatal illnesses.
The newly appointed Democratic Gov. Janet Mills mission may have been to “break another glass ceiling” but the people of Maine are struggling to defend their children against Tyranny in the form of the newest Bill she is presenting to Congress regarding mandatory vaccines.
God have mercy upon the people of Maine and shame on you Governor Janet Mills for your alleged part in the act of Eugenics, watch that glass ceiling doesn’t cut you as it shatters through the loss of lives regarding these biological weapons against humanity, containing the blood of pigs, aborted fetal cells, metals and other toxic suicidal tonics you want to poke into the blood streams of innocent children.
Aborted baby tissue in vaccines:
WI-38 (Wistar Institute-38): “The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age. Cells released by trypsin digestion of the lung tissue were used for the primary culture. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 45,XX normal diploid female. A maximum lifespan of 50 population doublings for this culture was obtained at the Repository. A thymidine labelling index of 86% was obtained after recovery. G6PD is isoenzyme type B. This culture of WI-38 is an expansion from passage 9 frozen cells obtained from the submitter.”
Source: Coriell Institute for Medical Research