The turn coat.Things don’t go the way she thinks it should go even if it wouldn’t work out her way she turns on Trump.
Never anything about the business as usual so called conservatives letting him down.
Then he’s got his son in law Jared who didn’t want Christy because he prosecuted his father so he had to pick Sessions. If Christy got the job Mueller and cohorts would be gone and their rein of bias corruption would be over and people would be answering questions like Hillary and her dossier.
I can see Ann now having to negotiate with the looting of our money or dealing with N Korea. Don’t think that would work out.
She’s just another talking head wanting to be on the winning side like the left but when it doesn’t go the way it should instead of calling out the people behind it she turns on Trump.
How does she think her rehtoric is going to help America?
Ann Coulter
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