Bear Market in Gold & Silver is Over – Craig Hemke
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says, “The bear market in gold and silver is over.” Hemke contends the central bankers’ price suppression of gold and silver is grinding to a close. Hemke explains, “. . . They created the illusion of physical delivery. What happens when the banks, wanting the gold because it is now a tier 1 asset, say I can’t play this promissory note game anymore? Just like physical demand broke the U.S. for suppression price in the 1950’s and just like physical demand broke the London Gold Pool price in the 1960’s, physical demand will break this fractional reserve and derivative pricing scheme that has worked since 1975. It’s now going to fail too. . . . Anybody that has one ounce of gold will be darn glad they have it when the time comes.”Hemke says there are several factors leading to the perfect storm of price explosion for precious metals. On April 1st, new rules will allow banks to hold gold as a so-called tier 1 asset. Hemke points out, “This is why central banks are buying gold too. . . . Gold will be considered a riskless asset just like Treasury bonds. The way it is currently structured now, if you had $1 billion in gold in your reserves in the bank, you could only count half of that as your reserves. . . . So, $1 billion in gold only counted as $500 million. Now, it will count for the full $1billion.”