global zinc warehouse stocks have been in decline for years as several large scale producers have gone into depletion. zinc spot looks like it hit a long term bottom early in 2016. there are a couple of resource companies sitting on ginormous zinc deposits AND some interesting silver assets. as silver prospects, they’re good, but not great. IF we get a zinc shortage spiking prices, the silver would be gravy (remember there’s an “if” in this sentence).
silver bull resources – northern mexico, 62.6 mil oz ag, 2.45 billion pounds zinc. (yes, that’s billion with a “b.”) and significant lead.
tinka resources – central peru, 25 mil oz ag, 5.6 billion pounds zinc, 3,000 tons indium, and 230 million pounds lead.
if (there it is again) the zinc market ever gets some heat under it, these babes may get exciting. …if i live that long.
i’ve had a small position of each of these in the “sleeper file” – it seems like forever.