Its not as easy as that because many don’t own the houses coming to market. It’s greed. What some companies were doing for instance is kicking people out of apartments with the excuse they were remodeling but weren’t really doing much then raising the prices. That gave the excuse for other apts to raise their prices too.
Same with housing. As housing prices climbed now not saving too much on lower interest rates to consumers plus rising taxes factored into their mortgage.
I know someone who took a loan on their paid for house that had went up in value and after his taxes went up a 1000 a year.
If they’re selling out or jobs why are they allowing illegal immigrants to pour in? If they open more jobs why are they allowing illegal immigrants in to take them instead for that matter. In LA most the factory jobs that left were majority immigrants and where are you going to house them? For many factory’s closing it didn’t reflect on many of the natural citizens because those jobs were dominated by immigrants. Also agriculture, hotels.
In agriculture they even come from India. Around the Oroville Dam area for instance there’s a nearby town that is full of Indians. They pick crops seasonally and live on welfare. Some of those jobs they get paid cash. We subsidize them but they get paid up to 20 hour harvesting. Because of that can be health risks because illegal immigrants even legal aren’t always screened. Hispanics have a high level of TB.
Another is E Coli and no cure. If they pick up fruit for instance from the ground it could harbor E. coli from animal droppings and get into your food supply like apple or orange juice. Much is pasteurized today thank goodness. Be wary of ones who do not. It’s deadly and no cure esp to children but leaves life long health issues.
Demand for housing is saying to the citizens it’s gonna cost you.
It may be fine for companies who buy up commercial real estate but for the majority of average people it drives cost to high including taxes. If the value went down no matter because the next place will be equally lower as well as taxes. But if greed hits no one will be buying or buy and suffer the consequences in the next decline when they try to sell.
In California they want to even tax water and going after Dams that provide energy to not be included in renewable energy with they don’t maintain at the same time that will drive energy prices up.