Then, as if all of that were not peak exuberance during a time of peak irrationality, the even broader context is that we have a government that was talking seriously this week about agreeing to add $2 trillion to the debt at a time when the interest alone on the debt this year will be almost a trillion dollars! And no one notices!
Yes, the interest on the debt this year is coming in so high that it will actually be greater by the end of the fiscal year than the entire deficit was only four years ago (and that was a bad-deficit year). In fact, the interest alone will be almost as great as the entire deficit this year! Add this new plan of taking on another $2 trillion in debt, and we will easily pass the point where interest alone demands a trillion dollar deficit every year!
And, yet, people believe we are in a solidly growing economy because the government managed to tweak its highly manipulated GDP headline number up to 2.2% for one last hurrah. They, of course, don’t believe it is a last hurrah. They believe it is proof that all is well, and the good times will only get better!
No, nothing irrational here folks. No irrational exuberance anywhere! After all, how can things be irrational when everyone shares the same delusion? That makes the delusion the new normal. And I’m the oddball who says the emperor is not only naked; he has no skin! He is a zombie who is only surviving by eating his own flesh.
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