that the bad data feed for the HUI was a deliberate attempt to stop investors from running away with the GOLD MINERS stock prices ,the timing of it was just too convenient .NOW all chartests have to deal with charts that are meaning less .Why wasent it corrected ? The xau wasent effected ,but it dosent represent miners ,but bullion prices instead ..It needs to be fixed ! It stinks of Government manipulation ! Its the same crap that the FED has admitted to doing with the VIX ,we need to have honest data .The FED always talks about decisions being DATA dependent ,dosent that imply that the DATA needs to be honest or else what good is the FED decisions that they claim are DATA dependent when THEY screw with the DATA ! DISHONESTY by the FED ..WHO needs that ?
WE need to make them prove their data is honest ,if they make decisions based on that data.