can rescue the BOND MARKET with Interest rate rise,but it’ll bust the Stock Market and Bankrupt the Budget ,so the question will be WHO gets Blamed .Trump is not going to be the FEDS SCRAPEGOAT ,he’s too smart for that ,so the FED will get blamed and the public will dismember it in retaliation ,goodbye FED….So its a mexican Standoff ,meantime Gold sez I can fix the problem, the Gold price rise is more palliative than a RATE rise,so be it …even though it does long term damage to the FED ,but who cares ? they dont vote ! WE have to get through the election first then we can deal with rates …first things first…SO GOLD gets a free RIDE until the election s over.. Thats all we need ! better yet if Trump gets reelected,he can slash & BURN the budgets and get things back in balance ,put everybody to work ,deport the illegals cut all that expense ,build the Wall .Wages will rise ,budgets will fall ,debt will go down …and we are back to a working ,growing middle Class that pays taxes..instead of getting a welfare check.JOBS come back and the middle class goes back to work…Payroll taxes come back in, Bond payments can be made ,rates can go up modestly ,Bond Market gets saved ,Gold remains part of the budget for stability . IT all works if Trump gets elected,if……if not we got until the election to save ourselves before the monkeys run the ZOO…again…and then the FEDS only choice is raise RATES and start the contraction of the money supply (depression) .Its the choice the fed wants because it keeps them in Power .
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