a. triple top fails. then the mkt comes back the. 4 th try usually. succeed–but I am not sure…no question stocks look like they are back in the “no downside mode” like in 2016-17….
But the stock mkt wish list has been granted
tariff/trade war–will be. resolved soon
rates to stay forever low–fed will ease–europe already did today
so. why ain’t the DOW up 500 pts?…I mean…c’mon…what’s 500 DOW points in the great scheme of things? A mere bagatelle…the trannies are down 37…
Anyway–everybody take. all my blah-blah-blah b.s. with a. grain of salt…I’m just trying to keep myself busy and I tend. towards the. melodramatic…
Hearken! What’s this? the. DOW’s up 64 pts…6. minutes left…where’s the raz-a-mataz finish???
Tomorrows Friday the 13th…gulp!