same ole bullshit ,car sales are going into the dumpster,they want more money and more of the “PROFITS”..
,,what they need is more imports and cheaper imports ….idiots ,since when is labor untitled to “profits” ?
unless they are “owners” (stockholders)..they get their “Wages”….and benefits ,healthcare etc …,NOT PROFITS ..Greedy Unions busted companies before ..thats where they are headed …Ive seen them when the Unions became violent and sabotaged the vehicle they produced….give us what we want or else ! Hoodlums…They didnt learn nothing when Government needed to increase imports to get them under control again.. Democrats…all of them…communists ,violent thugs …here we go again ….Ford cant make a profit producing cars anymore ,GM must sell cars at $40,000 and up to make a profit ! Who can afford to buy them ? 6year loans ,,whats next 100 year loans like the Bond Markets with negative returns for investors …Give me a car today and Ill pay you back over 100 years,….loan at zero interest …