is the Government has NO sympathy for the “Speculators” even though its They that provide much of the LIQUIDITY in these Markets .SELLERS and Consumers of CORN ,SUGAR ,copper etc have a limited Price Range they can operate in with the retail consumer balking at higher prices .They depend on Speculaters to provide liquidity that allows the Market to find “Price Discovery ” .
BUT when Real shortages occur the Government is willing to sacrifice the “Speculators” and CHANGE the RULES in order to find relief and some additional supplies for the Market .
YES Government will sacrifice the “speculators” in order to get supplies out of their hands and into the Market place when needed .Sometimes its not enough and prices continue to rise even after they Change the rules on Deliverable GRADE and require CASH payment ,but the “speculaters “are sacrificed first …even though its they that provide the original Liquidity to find price discovery. NO sympathy for them……