To me it should mean a new Dollar Yuan peg rig. Instead of the 40 year old slightly flexible $1 to 7 Yuan, it should be $1 to 2 Yuan. To make imports too expensive and our exports or products a lot cheaper. On top of that China needs to raise their domestic corporate tax rate to 35%.
Those two things together, domestic China businesses would have two choices. Go bankrupt or move off shore to the USA. That is what happened to the USA 40 some years ago. China also needs very strict air and water pollution laws to drive businesses away from China. The USA has to and seems to, be easing up on those regulations.
When all this pro China pro big business give away started 45 years ago, nobody told us anything about a “trade war” starting, and that we were “programmed” to lose it. Thank God for the 2008 financial crash.
Most of our prosperity lately is more psychological than real. Low interest rate Real estate gains, and stock market gains, and many many tax payer funded, and environment funded fake jobs.