when i was a teenager i liked the way new cars looked. then i grew up. now, a car is to get me from point A to point B and back again. here is one of my present cars:
seen here three years ago at lemhi pass on the continental divide (montana – idaho state line). it is dependable enough to get me from florida to washington state and back on that trip. this past summer it took me and a lady friend to utah and arizona and back,
parked beneath ponderosa pines at a campsite near luna, new mex.
it is a 1995 chevy astro van. i bought it for $850 five years ago, and have had to do almost no maintenance on it beyond oil and tires. i have another car as a back-up, since i live in the country and MUST have a running vehicle. a 2005 kia spectra. i gave $400 and a rifle for that one.
six years of car payments? i don’t think so. i no longer feel the need to impress anyone with my ability for conspicuous consumption.