The electric battery vehicle is terribly inefficient. It’s completely unpractical in the year 2020. The electric battery vehicle in the United States was developed in 1890-91.
It was not until 1895 that consumers began to devote attention to electric vehicles, and was a dream gone bad, could never replace and internal combustion engine, and still not in wide spread use after 125 years.
All things are in a constant state of change. EXCEPT the internal combustion vehicle, just like the original Toilet Bowl is basically no different than the first ones. Can’t be improved. Accept the basic old standards and stop trying to use less oil.
Its big business that wastes too much oil, and they need to convince the public to stop using oil so THEY can continue wasting it. On artificially cheap air travel and air shipping. Ocean and train shipping combined with over the road tractor trailer delivery of Chinese “screwdrivers” imported cars etc from the west coast to east coast.
If “they” can convince us little people to use less they can continue wasting it for extreme excess profits as they add to the US Trade Deficit..