I’m just a farm boy. But printing money to buy up t-bills and run interest rates to nil…
Frees up every other investment dollar for stocks. Which increases stock prices and makes them more attractive than bonds returning a nice, safe return of near zero.
You can say there is no inflation yet. When bond and stock prices are not part of an inflation index. If we don’t put tulip bulbs in the price index then 1636 had zero inflation.
The problem is one of context. Federal and state governments are financially insolvent from unfunded liabilities and the looming crisis in retirees-to-worker ratios. Criminal gangsterism is rampant in government. Major cities have tens of thousands of homeless shitting in the streets. Low-IQ and criminal immigrants are invading the country. Women think they are men, the boys are pansies, commies run the schools from kindergarten through college…
Financial insolvency of empires and the decadence/degeneracy of the people has caused collapse every time. We aren’t facing a stock market correction, it is more like a general apocalypse. But if I hear that fucking word “existential” one more time, I swear I am going to go berserk. You are going to hear bullets whizzing by and skulls exploding like watermelons all around you. F