He was a good Manager as evidence by his past record as NYC Mayor…all the GOOD things he did to stop crime like “stop & Frisk” are no longer viable even though it worked …As a politician he tried to appeal to the Radicals because thats where the votes are in Democrat circles..I watched him “ROLL his EYES” at the other debaters and knew he was wondering “What the Hell am I doing here!”
GOOD MANAGERS dont necessarly make good Politicians ,they cant get elected..in Democrat circles.FIREBRAND RADICALs get the votes FREAKS ,FRINGE personalities are the order of the day for Democrats…I thought Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard would give Trump a run,but the Democrats want Revolution not evolution..Its hard to elect “GOOD MANAGERS” when the public wants blood ….So far Trump has been RIGHT about EVERYTHING…! Creepy JOE turned into SLEEPY JOE and Crazy BERNIE is just a plane crazy..communist…..