Maybe you misunderstood what I said? I was implying gun control to stop shootings and killings does NOT work. We need CRIME control. Supposedly the police took THOUSANDS of guns away. Were 100% of all the people caught criminals? With a history of crime? Maybe 5%.
Naturally the public can’t get access to the records of the settled court cases. The excuses or reasons that the “victims” claimed for carrying the concealed gun. Probably 95% were afraid of their “enemy” whoever that may be. They certainly were not on their way to rob or shoot someone.
Many decades ago a friend of mine always carried a little pistol without a permit. He eventually moved to Fla, got caught there with it and got in very big trouble without actually doing anything wrong.
I think the gov’t should offer to pay people as an incentive, to NOT kill other people. Before a robbery or a mass shooting. Offer them a free small motor home and some monthly cash so they can enjoy life. Society could save a lot of money and heart ache.
Plus then we would have a “list” of these desperate people with crazy thoughts to watch.
I’ve been told by friends, and have witnessed, many of my ideas and thoughts usually come true 10-20 years later.