OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

These people FAIL to understand that in the middle of a panic like this, lowering interest rates is a joke.

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:44 on March 13, 2020  

This is Too Well Organized to Be Real – CoronaGate


QUESTION: No doubt you are being flooded with questions, so I’ll keep it short.  Was it herd mentality that caused all of the sports exec’s to fall in line and cancel the distractive circus’s, or where they all alerted to the Coronagate distraction and told they would be bailed out?

CoronaGate is a better con the ClimateGate, as people hate viruses worse than pollution, and even if the virus does kill a large percentage of the elderly, it would cure the pension and Social Security Ponziviruses.


ANSWER: I was just corrected by a staff member, I have been doing this for 50 years, not 40. I was actually called in for the first banking crisis following the birth of the floating exchange system in 1973. In all my years, there has NEVER been such an overblown reaction to such a minor disease. 

Even the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg, Florida is still scheduled to run this weekend, but it will do so in front of empty grandstands, for a television audience only. A mayoral decree, made Thursday in the name of public safety in the face of the global coronavirus pandemic, bars spectators from the event. There is no justification for such a decree. These events are being TOLD by a central command to call off all such public events despite the absence of such a serious threat.

The CDC Officials are directing that large events should be modified, postponed, or canceled for the safety and well-being of event staff, participants, and the community. The details of any emergency operations plan should be based on the size and duration of your events, demographics of the participants, and the complexity of the event.

Schools are being canceled and universities are switching to online classes. Governors have been directing events to be shut down and they are being fed information by “experts” for CDC.

Drugmakers are racing to land a vaccine or treatment for the new coronavirus but the science takes time NOT because it is difficult to find the solution, but BECAUSE of the regulations that must be met before it is allowed to be administered. The cure can be accomplished in just weeks, but the regulation may cause a delay for months.

This is being organized to shut down the economy for something that is nowhere near an epidemic. There are serious benefits to keep this going. There is the hope that the economy will turn down so that it will undermine Trump for the election. But there are other issues at stake. The Democrats will most likely abandon both Bernie and Biden and our model has been showing that we are looking at the most violent elect in 2020 since the 1960s. That does not mean it is an uprising against Trump, but discontent of Bernie being denied a nomination once again. This has already been used by Hong Kong to shut down the protests. The shutting down of events is setting the justification to be able to shut down political protests in the fall as well.

There is clearly an incentive behind this and the crash & burn of this magnitude with European markets off by 33%+ from December justifies the cry for the elimination of currency for the ECB cannot go to -25% interest rates. The Dow is off 28% from its high.

While this virus may indeed peak out in April/May, it may mutate and be used again in the fall in time for the next flu season and elections. This type of virus is not reflecting something like aids that has a long incubation period and can hide in a person for years. The joke going around is that if it spreads with ticks and fleas, then we can face Corona with Lyme disease.

The expectation has people who really do not understand the markets calling for the Fed to move to negative interest rates. They do not understand that the Fed cut the rates and then had to pump in $1.5 trillion into Repo to PREVENT short-term rates from jumping beyond 10%.

These people FAIL to understand that in the middle of a panic like this, lowering interest rates is a joke. First, people will not borrow to try to catch a falling knife, and second, banks will not be willing to lend in the middle of a panic. Lowering rates is a fool’s game that has NEVER worked and this is why it’s collapsing – the theory of Keynesian Economics.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.