shocked to see JNUG down 73% on the day…with an RSI of 20…and this was what? a 3rd day of plunging for PMs like in 2013–gold was down about 70 and silver down 1.50…I was Johnny-on-the-Spot
Filled Buy 20000 JNUG Limit 3.72 15:48:09 03/13/20
shocked to see JNUG down 73% on the day…with an RSI of 20…and this was what? a 3rd day of plunging for PMs like in 2013–gold was down about 70 and silver down 1.50…I was Johnny-on-the-Spot
Filled Buy 20000 JNUG Limit 3.72 15:48:09 03/13/20
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