Oh yes I know the symptoms of a stroke. After Papa got out of the hospital for his fall, one day he was sitting in the garage and his speech was slurring and drooling out of one side of his mouth. We immediately got him to the ER. We are considered a rural healthcare system on this island, but Hilo medical center has a neurology dept. and several cardiologists… and damn few other specialists on the island. They got an MRI of his head and found the hematoma and they got his blood pressure down. They were ready to fly him to Honolulu to drill the hematoma to relieve the pressure, but it wasn’t needed after they got his pressure down… his speech recovered in a matter of hours. Just pressure on the brain in the speech areas were causing the symptoms. Gave us all quite a scare, but he recovered nicely. So now we keep his pressure below 140 with meds and the hematoma is slowly resorbing.
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