Learn Un-learn and Re-Learn is the situation with money. Everybody KNOWS that germs don’t like Silver and Copper.
Silver and Copper coinage was used extensively for typical purchases for decades, until 1964 as the US Dopey/Dollar lost tons of value. Twenty five cents or a quarter dollar used to buy a slice of Pizza and a Coke. How much is a slice and a coke today??
A slice of pizza near me is $2.50, the Coke is $1.75 = $4.25. So our idiot monetary managers need to WAKE t/f UP, and add a ZERO to each denomination of coinage to avoid $1 paper certificates that are equal to 4 slices of bread.
Trump just has to mandate adding a zero or multiply by 10 X to each coin or 20 X each coin would be far better. Nobody would need paper money for small purchases. A $1 coin would be a $20 bill. Lots of my ideas come true 10 to 20 years later.
.01 penny to .10
.05 Nickel to .50
.10 Dime to $1.00
.25 Quarter to $2.50
.50 Half Dollar to $5.00
$1.00 Coins = $10
Adding 2 zeros times20 would be far better.
.01 penny to .20 cents.
.05 Nickel to $1.00
.10 Dime to $2.00
.25 Quarter to $5.00 There’s your slice and Coke again for one coin.
.50 Half Dollar $10.00
$1.00 Coins to = $20