Its just a natural instinct hunch. I see them all over like gas stations, and they all look empty inside. I think somehow maybe the Media, or Gov’t or both created tax incentives or encouraged them to open, with all that Media nonsense…
“Baby Boomers Are Getting Old and there will be growing demand”
Well not THAT much demand. Its all got to be out of balance. There has to be too many. I have reasons to believe the whole entire medical industry in general is over produced, way ahead of reality.
Just as the whole medical industry was built up to fulfill artificial demand, the demand will contract. Typical Zig, everyone Zigs, and then everything Zags. Over the job loss decades not only did they get us to buy gas saver cars, use seat belts, and stop smoking? And make us worry about whales, and sharks and trees and plastic bags??
They got everybody paranoid and worried about their health. Instead of Campbells Soup commercials, they have medicine commercials, putting ideas in every ones head. They play with number and words and everybody in on cholesterol and high blood pressure drugs.
And you can bet your ass, half of those pace makers and defibrillators installed were not needed. Watch, this will fit the reversal sitiation.