It seems that way.The higher number would be tax dependent people except the tax dependent gov workers in progressive open borders states. Same state that are broke wanting money from the more predominant conservative states. Isn’t that a coincidence. How’s all that progressive working out for them? Their broke! Where did the money go? Hey I’d their gonna be broke everyone should go down with them seems their mantra otherwise your racist homophonic misogynistic bigot.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a minority based hospital but it’s a place you don’t want to land in nor put your relatives less you hate them and even them you’d have to hate them pretty bad.
I had this lawyer friend of Jewish persuasion years ago who been around there and said it’s in Washington DC too. He said if he ever had a car accident in certain areas there he would tell the paramedic to leave him in the street. At the time I’m thinking you gotta be kidding me. After a time I could understand what he was talking about.
That nurse who came from another state to help who they kept deleting tried to get it out. I guess she learned the hard way.
Mr Copper
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