In my view or observations, the global powers and influences or the shadow global gov’t recruited Trump, as the best spokesperson, for the new agenda for the new America first global economy going forward and he would be most likely winner in 2016. He had the right built in rhetoric. Its all in his head, no need for speech writers.
Because in the past, the old America Last system ran its course, and culminated and crashed with the 2008 financial crisis, and everything is in reverse transition after 2008. No time now to explain everything.
He is imo, part of a group, of like minded people that were probably having meetings 3-4 years before he started campaigning in mid 2015. Naturally they had to run him as a Republican, because it was the republican party’s turn. They both always get 8 years. Except papa bush got 12 years. Eight with Reagan and four by himself. Imo Reagan was sub servient under Bush, and they’ve all been subservient under global international influences.
I think they SHOULD have run Trump as a democrat against Obama and Mitt Romney in 2008, to start the new America first agenda. Maybe Trump wasn’t ready to commit and needed more time? Unfortunately they may have waited too long waiting 8 more years to 2016.
Its all simple arithmetic. The rest of the world and all international corporations NEED a healthy wealthy and wise USA consumer tax payer to survive and prosper. The “goose that lays the golden eggs” is anemic, and in trouble, and they were obviously in panic mode before the virus. Why else would they drive rates so low, drop taxes, and tell us CONSTANTLY psychologically thru Trump about how great the economy was progressing?
If it was so great, no need to keep reminding everybody on TV 24/7. When things were bad in 2008, I told everybody things will get better, and they did. When things were sounding so great? I started telling people things will get bad. Its all too good to be true. And I get yelled at by my own brother.
Many people like me were expecting the “everything bubble” to pop, a big global “reset” to happen with a big bankruptcy like Leeman Bros in 2008. And strangely, this “virus” got wheeled out instead. It made us very suspicious. Nobody gets the blame. The Fed Reserve global bankers, the democrats, the republicans, nobody gets the blame.
However, psychologically, Globalization, open borders, with gleeful “promiscuous” business and vacation activity is getting the blame. Yoko Ono and John Lenin’s dream, came true, the world that lives as one was a very big mistake long term and I KNEW in back in 1975.
The future looks good but the transition or cold turkey will hurt, like breaking a bad habit. No pain no gain. Bad habits, caused by the “high” people got from consuming cheap high quality imports (rat poison) was easy to start, but hard to stop. Until you have no choice and have to stop. Bad habits need to be stopped before the Doctor tells you, not after the lung cancer (lower living standards) start.