buy right ,stay tight…sez Jessie .It wasent my trading that made millions,it was my sitting tight ! (Jessie Livermore).
from 2016 when I got in,i am up 5x ….theres another 5 to go ,maybe more ! a ten bagger without panic ,without the Indians,without the Chinese ..when they join in it could be 20 0r 30 bagger.. I had a 90 bagger from 1975 to 1987 .. keep the faith ! nobody had money in 1975 ,just like today..those that had some and were willing to invest it did extraordinary …Timing is everything my business in 1975 had just turned profitable after 3 years barely breaking even ….I took some courage to invest then and now ! Playing it safe would have done nothing but been a good job.Investing at the bottom takes courage…..Courage,Capital, Know how ,in equal doses..There is no success without Courage ! Luck is sustained Courage…..The harder I work..the Luckier I get …!