Plant one under every new seedling that has to be planted to reforest the millions of timberland acres that were destroyed by their thoughtless crimes, then plant all the corrupt Swamp Creature and NWO politicians too, and now we’r talking at least a few hundred thousand new seedlings that will get off to a good start. Hey, it’s a beginning, and pretty soon we may have millions of Bill Gates vaccine trial volunteers available too!! ZOWIE!! I’m thinkin we may have enough tree planting fertilizer to do the entire world reforestation project, with some left over!! Now we’re talkin a REAL Green New Deal!
And speaking of fertilizer, thanks for sending Canada all that potash fertilizer we haven’t been able to see through for a few days now, cough, cough, even though I’m pretty sure we didn’t order it. And also, If you don’t mind, please next time send some nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer too, to help keep our farmland soils well balanced……. and we’d prefer it all coming ground freight in bags rather than your current air delivery system, so we can distribute it ourselves more efficiently.
Thanks, cough, cough